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Historical Categories
By Geography
  • Geography & Travel (910)
  • By Continent
    • Europe (940 - 949)
    • Asia (950 - 959)
    • Africa (960 - 969)
    • North America (970 - 979)
    • South America (980 - 989)
    • Oceania & Elsewhere (990 - 999)
By Time Period
  • Ancient World (930 - 939)
  • Medieval World (Multiple Dewey #s)
  • Modern World (Multiple Dewey #s)
Other Search Categories
  • By biography (920s)
  • By kings/ presidents/ rulers (Multiple Dewey #s)
  • Historical Information (i.e. Encyclopedias) (901 - 907)
  • World History Generally (909)
History by Type
  • World History - The study of historical events/ eras across national, regional, or cultural boundaries
  • National History - The study of historical events/ eras within a nation
  • Church History - History of God's people in the Church throughout time
  • Political History - The history of law, government, and legal systems
  • Diplomatic History - The history of international relations
  • Economic History - The history of economic processes and phenomena
  • Cultural History - The history of manners, customs, and social life
  • Intellectual History - The history of ideas and philosophical movements
  • History of Science and Medicine - The history of inventions and medical and technological development
  • Art History - The history of artists and art movements

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Reference Sources

Finding History in Tyndale Library

What type of source is it?

Click the image above to access Historical Research Techniques

Types of Sources and Where to Find Them: Primary Sources

Historians and other scholars classify sources as primary or secondary. This distinction is important because it will affect how you understand these sources. In this first video of a 2-part tutorial, we will discuss primary sources. Primary sources are most often produced around the time of the events you are studying.

Types of Sources and Where to Find Them: Secondary Sources

This is the second video in a two-part tutorial on primary and secondary sources. Historians and other scholars classify sources as primary or secondary. Whereas primary sources are considered the raw material of the historical record, and are usually created around the same time as the events they purport to document, secondary sources are further removed from these historical events or circumstances.

History Around the Web

History Databases

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Open Access

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Professor Recommendations

The LIFE & TIME Index Assistant

See the following links for indices for LIFE Magazine, TIME Magazine, and digital copies available on Internet Archive.